Tekeyan Cultural Association Pasadena-Glendale Chapter

Seated, from left, Khatchig Nahabedian, Lora Kouyoumjian, Hratch Ajemian. Standing, from left, Jirair Frounjian, Siran Oknayan, Asdghig Khanjian, Ani Nahabedian (2024)


TCA Pasadena-Glendale Chapter

The TCA Pasadena-Glendale chapter, founded in 1981, is an active group based at the TCA Beshgeturian Center.

Executive members include: Siran Oknayan (Chair), Jirair Frounjian (Treasurer), Khachig Nahabedian (Secretary), consultants Asdghig Khanjian, Lora Kouyoumjian, Ani Nahabedian, Hratch Ajemian.

The chapter established its own drama group, Azad Pem Theater Group, which presented its first performance in April, 2024. It may be contacted via email at azadpemtca@gmail.com. See also its Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556018142451

To contact the chapter, email tcapasadenag@gmail.com or use the social media accounts listed with links below

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TekeyanLA

Twitter: twitter.com/TekeyanLA

Instagram: instagram.com/TekeyanLA


Members of the Azad Pem Theater Group take a bow after performing in April, 2024